Business and Product Legality Assistance In Efforts to Improve Branding Quality Jamur Paimo Farm Production House in Ngadirejo Village

Pendampingan Legalitas Usaha dan Produk Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Branding Rumah Produksi Jamur Paimo Farm di Kelurahan Ngadirejo


  • Siti Nurhaliza UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur
  • Rusdi Hidayat Nugroho UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur



MSMEs Assistance, NIB Business Legality, Product Branding, Marketing, Oyster Mushrooms


MSMEs play an important role in economic growth which has a direct impact on regional economic development. In Ngadirejo Village, Kepanjenkidul District, Blitar City, there is the UMKM "Paimo Farm" which is a production house for oyster mushrooms. The business development implemented is classified as standard so that the existence of the product is little known. This activity aims to enable the MSME "Paimo Farm" to develop into a bigger business and be widely known outside the city by improving the quality of branding. Implementation of activities uses the assistance’s method. Data collection uses interviews and observations. The activity stages include assistance related to business legality, product branding, digital marketing, creating new innovations, developing product packaging, and making product photos. The results of the activity are the issuance of a business registration number (NIB), product innovation and branding.






Bidang Ekonomi dan Keuangan (Section of Economics and Finance)