JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
<p>Jurnal ini mempublikasikan artikel-artikel yang mengandung aspek aplikasi ilmu-ilmu teknik dan/atau hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh para pelaku dan penggiat dunia pendidikan secara umum, kalangan akademisi, industri, maupun kelompok masyarakat (<em>This journal publishes articles containing aspects of the application of technical sciences and/or the results of community service carried out by actors and activists in the world of education in general, academics, industry and community groups</em>).</p>DPD Jatim Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semestaen-USJATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)2550-0821Rebranding the Cakru Jember Village Instagram Account as Exhibition Means of Village Cultural and Economic Tourism Potential
<p><em>Cakru Village in Jember Regency, Indonesia, has great economic and cultural potential but has not been optimally utilized. Data collection of MSMEs from various hamlets shows the diversity of local economic sectors. This activity aims to increase public awareness of this potential through socialization and rebranding of social media. This program involves preparation by means of observation and interviews, implementation of socialization, and evaluation using pre-test and post-test. The results of the pre-test showed that public knowledge of village potential was still low. After the socialization, there was a significant increase in awareness of village potential from the Cakru Village community who participated in the socialization, as much as 90%, especially regarding the potential of MSMEs and Japanese protection tourism. In addition, the rebranding of Instagram from the old account to the new account @discoverycakru.id successfully introduced MSMEs and historical sites with a focus on innovative content. This program shows the effectiveness of social media in increasing visibility and support for the local economy, as well as introducing the unique culture of Cakru Village to a wider audience.</em></p>Fauzan Fahmi BaswedanAisa Fadhilatul IstiqomahErshazkiya RaudlatishafaHudayya Dinnul Islami ChasihDita AtasaDita Megasari
Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzan Fahmi Baswedan, Aisa Fadhilatul Istiqomah, Ershazkiya Raudlatishafa, Hudayya Dinnul Islami Chasih, Dita Atasa, Dita Megasari
2024-12-112024-12-11911610.12345/je.v9i1.144The Effect of Cash Flow Analysis in Increasing Financial Efficiency of PT Nusantara Medika Utama
<p><em>In an effort to improve the quality of healthcare services, NMU focuses on strengthening capacity and operational efficiency, particularly in response to the surge in demand for digital services post-pandemic. This activity analyzes the impact of cash flow on the financial efficiency of PT Nusantara Medika Utama (NMU) during the 2022-2023 period. The method used is descriptive quantitative, with analysis of secondary data from NMU's financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. The results of this study show an increase in operational performance indicators, such as the Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR), which rose to 86.99%, and a decrease in Total Liabilities by 15.21%. It can be concluded that effective cash flow management contributes to the improvement of NMU’s financial efficiency. The proposed solutions include a cash flow monitoring system and staff training for better financial management. These findings are expected to contribute to NMU's business sustainability and the improvement of healthcare quality in Indonesia.</em></p>Ainia Ayu SilviaSugeng Purwanto
Copyright (c) 2024 Ainia Ayu Silvia, Sugeng Purwanto
2024-12-142024-12-149171210.12345/je.v9i1.192The Role of Mentoring in Increasing BTPN Syariah Customer Business Development in Wonorejo, Pasuruan
<p><em>Women's empowerment is the main focus in development in Indonesia because of its important role in the economy. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have a strategic role in the national economy, but often face various obstacles, such as limited capital, low management knowledge and limited marketing networks. BTPN Syariah, through the Bestee program, is committed to increasing the capacity of its customers by involving students as facilitators and mentors who provide direction and guidance. The aim of this activity is to analyze the role of facilitators in assisting the business development of BTPN Syariah customers in Wonorejo, Pasuruan. The method used in this activity is qualitative with direct observation and observation. Assistance includes customer introduction and assessment, identification of obstacles through SWOT analysis, presentation of material, direct practice, as well as closure and review of activities. The results of the interviews showed an increase in customer knowledge and skills in business management, marketing and technology. Customers successfully implemented branding elements that improved the image and professionalism of their business. This mentoring program has proven effective in empowering customers and providing a positive impact on the development of their businesses.</em></p>Tiara KusumadewiHesty Prima Rini
Copyright (c) 2024 Tiara Kusumadewi, Hesty Prima Rini
2024-12-142024-12-1491131610.12345/je.v9i1.193Branding And Re-Branding Training To Enhance The Competitive Capabilities Of Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs) In The Digital Era
<p><em>Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are economic activities managed independently by individuals, family groups, or limited-scale business entities. Despite being the backbone of the national economy, 33.3 percent of MSMEs still rely on conventional marketing. Branding and re-branding training can be carried out to improve the competitiveness of MSMEs in the digital era. This community service program aims to overcome the digitalization challenges faced by MSMEs in Purwodadi Village, Blimbing. The activities are designed in four structured stages, namely needs analysis, program design, implementation, and evaluation. The training modules cover the basics of branding, digital content creation, WhatsApp Business optimization, and product sticker design. The results showed a 45 percent increase in the use of digital platforms, significant improvements in digital branding, and packaging professionalism. As many as 95 percent of participants successfully adopted WhatsApp Business for their marketing strategies. This initiative creates a sustainable digital learning ecosystem, driving economic, social, and technological transformation. Future plans include expanding the program to other communities and improving e-commerce capabilities.</em></p>Nabilah Ainur RohmahGyska Indah HaryaEko NurhadiKenny Prizky PurbaMaysaroh Tri KhusnahWahyu Santoso
Copyright (c) 2024 Nabilah Ainur Rohmah, Gyska Indah Harya, Eko Nurhadi, Kenny Prizky Purba, Maysaroh Tri Khusnah, Wahyu Santoso
2025-01-182025-01-1891172210.12345/je.v9i1.246Digital Branding Introduction for UMKM Women’s Group PKK RT 07 RW 13 Blimbing Malang: SDGs Implementation in Gender-Based Economic Empowerment
<p><em>This community service activity aimed to introduce the concept and implementation of digital branding to members of the PKK group RT07/RW13 Blimbing Malang who own MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises). This program is part of efforts to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the aspect of gender-based economic empowerment. The implementation method included socialization, training, and direct mentoring to PKK members in developing digital branding for their MSME products. The materials covered included an introduction to basic branding concepts, the urgency of digital branding, the importance of brand identity, social media management, and simple digital marketing strategies. This activity was attended by approximately 25 PKK members who own various types of businesses such as culinary, handicrafts, and household products. The results of the activity showed an increase in participants' understanding of the importance of digital branding, as evidenced by their ability to create more attractive and professional social media content for their products. The participants also successfully optimized the use of digital platforms to market their products more effectively. This community service activity had a positive impact on improving women's entrepreneurial capacity and supporting family economic independence through the utilization of digital technology.</em></p>Citta Prawira Syahrani Diana Averina Fernanda LutfiahNisa Hafi Idhoh
Copyright (c) 2024 Citta Prawira Syahrani , Diana Averina Fernanda Lutfiah, Nisa Hafi Idhoh
2025-01-182025-01-1891233010.12345/je.v9i1.247Business Model Canvas Training for Self-Development of Santri and Santriwati at Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Jombang
<p><em>Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Ulum Jombang is one of the oldest boarding schools that has a long history of producing generations that are not only superior in religious knowledge, but also able to contribute to community development. In their role as part of the pesantren community, santri are not only active in the field of da'wah but also contribute to community-based economic development. One of them is by developing entrepreneurial potential through Business Model Canvas development training. This training was carried out for four weeks, including the introduction of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) concept, assistance in preparing business models, and evaluation through group presentations. The results showed a significant increase in santri's understanding and ability to design a business model based on the nine elements of BMC. The mentoring and coaching approach proved effective in creating a personalized, interactive, and applicable learning environment. This research provides a strategic contribution in empowering santri as agents of change who are competitive in the business world and becomes a replicable model for the development of community-based entrepreneurship<strong>.</strong></em></p>Valentino Orlando FebrianRaden J. Hadi Raharjo
Copyright (c) 2024 Valentino Orlando Febrian, Raden J. Hadi Raharjo
2025-01-192025-01-1991313410.12345/je.v9i1.245Coaching for Empowering Digital Marketing for MSMEs in Malang City: A Case Study of the Community-Based Approach
<p><em>UMKMs in Malang City face various challenges in optimizing the use of Instagram as a social media platform, including low technological proficiency, inconsistency in social media management, limited creativity in content creation, and inadequate understanding of product branding. To address these challenges, a community service program was implemented with the aim of enhancing the skills and empowering MSME actors through the application of a Community-Based Approach. The program involved four MSMEs under the guidance of Qurota Academy in Malang City. The mentoring activities took place from October 1 to November 12, 2024, encompassing training sessions, intensive mentoring, and community-based evaluations that placed MSME actors at the center of the entire process. The results of the program showed that 50% of participants successfully applied the knowledge gained during the activities, while the remaining 50% required further assistance for optimal implementation. This program is expected to serve as a sustainable empowerment model for UMKMs in Malang City</em></p>Fifi Nur FaizahEko Nurhadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Fifi Nur Faizah, Eko Nurhadi
2025-02-082025-02-0891354010.12345/je.v9i1.261Implementing Sales Force Tools Application OCTO Smart for Efficient Customer Bank Account Opening at CIMB Niaga Bank Surabaya
<p><em>CIMB Niaga Bank is one of the leading private banks in Indonesia. To meet its customer targets, CIMB Niaga innovates with digitalization to accommodate the interests of its customers, as well as facilitating its employees. CIMB Niaga created an application called OCTO Smart, which is designed as a tool for sales staff, so that they can work quickly and efficiently, such as for opening customer accounts. To see its real impact on CIMB Niaga employees and assess the performance of the application when used, a study was conducted to assess the quality of OCTO Smart. As a result, OCTO Smart succeeded in realizing its goal of helping its employees' work, but there were obstacles with the application, such as the camera feature and connectivity problems. The solution is that CIMB Niaga must continue to update its application so that it can work optimally. If this is implemented, CIMB Niaga employees will be able to continue using the application, the quality of their performance will increase, and customers will be satisfied.</em></p>Dinda Nabila LeryzantiZumrotul Fitriyah
Copyright (c) 2024 Dinda Nabila Leryzanti, Zumrotul Fitriyah
2025-02-082025-02-0891414610.12345/je.v9i1.225The Effect Analysis of Asset Management and Company Size On Financial Performance Using the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Method
<p>PT XYZ is a company engaged in the marine industry sector and plays an important role in shipbuilding. Management of company assets is a key factor in ensuring smooth operations and achieving the company's financial performance. However, asset management is faced with various challenges, such as high asset maintenance costs, depreciation, and the need to continuously update and improve asset quality to remain competitive. This study aims to evaluate the impact of asset management and company size on the company's financial performance. The study was conducted using multiple linear regression analysis methods processed through SPSS software. The data analyzed came from the company's financial reports and operational information for 12 months in 2023. The study findings show that asset management has a significant positive effect on the company's financial performance, while size only has a small effect. The linear regression equation obtained is Y = -291.213 + 165.600X1 + 12.698X2. Looking at this equation, it can be concluded that financial performance will increase by 165.600 for each increase in the asset management variable, and financial performance will increase by 12.698 for each increase in the company size variable. This study can be used by company management as a reference to improve financial performance by optimizing asset management and formulating more effective company growth strategies.</p>Sofia Fitri AnasariRr. Rochmoeljati
Copyright (c) 2024 Sofia Fitri Anasari, Rr. Rochmoeljati
2025-02-082025-02-0891475410.12345/je.v9i1.220Performance Measurement Analysis Of PT NPS Using The Balance Scorecard Method
<p><em>PT NPS is a company in the field of power plant maintenance services, then developed into a company engaged in power plant operation and maintenance services. Along with this development, PT NPS's competitiveness continues to be strengthened both in terms of finance, operations and human resources by forming a strong corporate culture. Therefore, it is important for PT NPS to measure performance in order to improve performance and compete with similar companies. One way to assess performance is to use the Balance Scorecard, which focuses on strategy and includes financial, internal process, operational, and learning and development perspectives. The data used in this observational study are in the form of company financial reports and employee data from 2020-2022. The findings from this observational study indicate that the financial perspective is considered less than good, but is balanced by the net profit value which is considered very good. The operational and internal business perspective is considered good but the learning and growth perspective is considered less than good. Employee productivity is considered very good because it shows a significant increase every year. This study can be used by PT PNS to continuously develop more optimal strategies so that they can experience improvements which will later also have an impact on the company's performance.</em></p>Fatharisa Ingke MaulidaRr. Rochmoeljati
Copyright (c) 2024 Fatharisa Ingke Maulida, Rr. Rochmoeljati
2025-02-122025-02-1291556210.12345/je.v9i1.219E-marketplace Optimization as Marketing Tool for Makmur Jaya Farmer Group Products in Meddelan Village to Enhance Farmers' Welfare
<p><em>Meddelan village in Lenteng sub-district, Sumenep district, is an agricultural area where the majority of residents work as farmers. Despite the large production potential, the farmers in this village, especially the Makmur Jaya Farmers Group, face various problems in increasing the selling value of their agricultural products. One of the main challenges is limited access to markets that still rely heavily on conventional methods such as middlemen, who often offer prices below market value. In addition, the low level of digital skills among farmers is an obstacle in utilizing e-marketplace technology that can expand market reach and provide more competitive selling prices. This condition is exacerbated by the lack of a structured marketing strategy and supporting infrastructure such as limited internet access. To overcome this problem, a community service program focused on optimizing the use of e-marketplace as a means of marketing agricultural products was implemented. This program includes intensive training for farmers in the use of e-marketplace platforms, improving digital skills, and forming effective digital marketing strategies. In addition, Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) students are also involved in this activity to assist farmers in every stage of implementation, from training to evaluation. This activity is expected to become a technology-based farmer empowerment model that can be applied in other areas with similar situations.</em></p>Faikul UmamFirmansyah AdiputraAchmad Zain Nur
Copyright (c) 2024 Faikul Umam, Firmansyah Adiputra, Achmad Zain Nur
2024-12-072024-12-07911610.12345/je.v9i1.164Provision of Clean Water at Bukit Kunci Tourist Site Using Electricity from Solar Power Plant
<p><em>Bukit Kunci in Bangowan Village, Jiken District, Blora, is a tourist destination offering flower gardens, photo spots, camping areas, and glamping houses. However, the location faces water supply issues, particularly for the bathroom and prayer room needs. Currently, water is pumped from a traditional well using a small centrifugal pump, but limitations in pump capacity and electricity make it difficult for water to reach the surface with a large flow rate. The PKM program aims to meet the clean water needs in Bukit Kunci, provide additional electricity from a solar power plant, and enhance the partner's knowledge in operating and maintaining solar power plant equipment. Test results showed that the water pump powered by a solar power plant was able to function well, with a flow rate of 10 liters per minute and a time of 2.9 hours to fill a 1200-liter tank. Additionally, a 200 Watt Peak solar power plant was used to operate a 770 Watt water pump with a 1000 Watt inverter and a 1000 Ah battery.Through training, the partner's knowledge of solar power plant operation and installation improved. The community’s income increased by 50% after their water needs were met. In the future, increasing the capacity of the solar power plant is expected to make Bangowan Village an Energy Independent Village, without reliance on the national electricity grid (PLN)</em></p>Eva Hertnacahyani HerraprastantiHendri SuryantoSuluh JatmikoTeguh Yuwono
Copyright (c) 2024 Eva Hertnacahyani Herraprastanti, Hendri Suryanto, Suluh Jatmiko, Teguh Yuwono
2024-12-112024-12-119171410.12345/je.v9i1.181Community Empowerment Through the Utilization of Used Oil-Fueled Stove Technology as an Effort Toward Energy Independence
<p><em>Poreh Village, Lenteng District, Sumenep Regency, faces challenges in accessing efficient and affordable energy, while the use of conventional energy sources has negative impacts on both the environment and the economy. This community service program aims to empower the residents of Poreh Village, by utilizing waste oil-powered stoves as a means to reduce dependency on unsustainable energy sources such as firewood and LPG. This program involves several stages, including introducing the technology, installing stoves in pilot households, training on waste oil management, and monitoring the effectiveness of stove usage. The program results indicate that the community understands the technology and can use it effectively. The adoption of waste oil stoves reduces dependency on conventional fuels, achieving up to 40% in energy cost savings and a decrease in carbon emissions. This program is expected to have a long-term impact, including increased energy independence, emission reductions, and the creation of economic opportunities through waste utilization. The active involvement of the community and students is also a key factor for the program's sustainability in the future.</em></p>Ibnu IrawanHairil BudiartoAch. Dafid
Copyright (c) 2024 Ibnu Irawan, Hairil Budiarto, Ach. Dafid
2024-12-132024-12-1391152010.12345/je.v9i1.166Social Media Content Creation Training with Artificial Intelligence for Branding and Promotion of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Banyuwangi
<p><em>Most of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Banyuwangi promote their products only by participating in events such as exhibitions, held in Banyuwangi. MSMEs do not have branding for their products, or the branding is not attractive enough. Therefore, MSMEs in Banyuwangi need effective promotion and branding. Community service activities by the Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University, aim to provide training on creating social media content by utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for branding and promoting MSMEs in Banyuwangi. The applications used in this activity are Instagram, Facebook, Canva, and ChatGPT. There are three stages of activities, namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Twenty-one (21) Banyuwangi MSMEs, 14 lecturers, and 3 students attended the community service activities. MSMEs participating in this community service have various products, such as food, drinks, furniture, and handicrafts. After implementation, participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire to get an overview of their understanding after being given the training. The evaluation was carried out using a Likert scale. Sixteen (16) indicators were used to evaluate this activity. The evaluation results show an average score of 97.48%. This score proves that this community service activity is very suitable for increasing the ability to create branding and promotions for MSMEs in Banyuwangi. The training participants were enthusiastic about understanding and creating effective promotional digital content.</em></p>Indah WerdiningsihEndah PurwantiNania Nuzulita
Copyright (c) 2024 Indah Werdiningsih, Endah Purwanti, Nania Nuzulita
2024-12-142024-12-1491212810.12345/je.v9i1.141Okara-based Product Processing as an Applicative Educational Tools for Junior High School Students in East Jakarta
<p><em>Practical learning is one method that can improve students' understanding of a cause and effect concept through direct experience. Although there are already several practical learning activities through craft classes, schools generally still have obstacles in implementing them directly. One topic that can be used is okara-based food product processing. This community service program aims to provide socialization about healthy, safe, and nutritious food and facilitate students in applied learning in the field of food processing. The stages of the activity consist of counseling, training, technology application, mentoring and evaluation. Healthy, safe and nutritious food counseling activities increase students' knowledge. Students have also succeeded in making okara bar and okara noodle products, and explaining the scientific processes that occur due to differences in recipes, through direct practice and class presentations. To ensure the sustainability of the program, a food processing laboratory was established at SMP Mekar Sari. With this laboratory, teachers and students can be creative in making nutritious and safe processed foods and initiate entrepreneurship programs at school. This activity is expected to not only improve their knowledge and practical skills, but also raise awareness about the importance of consuming balanced and clean nutritious food so that it is beneficial for the body.</em></p>Desak DewiKenneth Francis WibisonoHanny AngrainyWieke WindelynColin Logan
Copyright (c) 2024 Desak Dewi, Kenneth Francis Wibisono, Hanny Angrainy, Wieke Windelyn, Colin Logan
2025-01-042025-01-0491293610.12345/je.v9i1.185Empowering UMKM of Woven Handicrafts Through Digital Marketing and Social Media in Pematang Buluh Village, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi Province
<p><em>Pematang Buluh Village, Betara district, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency could develop and improve the community's economy with woven craft products. However, there are several problems in the development efforts of wicker handicrafts. The main problem is that the craftsmen only market their products manually (offline), thus hampering the market reach. The main objective of this service activity is to improve community welfare through the development of woven crafts. The result of this activity is that the Pematang Buluh Village community knows the importance and magnitude of the role of online marketing (digital marketing) in marketing woven purun and resam handicraft products. This knowledge is supported by training in creating marketing accounts and taking attractive product catalogs to attract buyers so that the craftsmen are ready to market and develop their business</em><em> online.</em></p>Ahmad Syukron PrasajaIrma SagalaEma Risna Wati
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Syukron Prasaja, Irma Sagala, Ema Risna Wati
2025-01-042025-01-0491374210.12345/je.v9i1.233Introduction and Use of Aloe Vera-Based Edible Coating to Improve the Quality of Cucumber Fruit in the Oemanas Farmer Group Nian Village
<p><em>Cucumber is one of the main commodities produced by the Oemanas Farmers Group in Nian Village. So far, the number of cucumbers produced is quite high during harvest time, but often experiences physical damage during transportation and marketing. Due to the limited knowledge and skills of the farmer group members, so far there has been no post-harvest processing and preservation technique. As an effort to reduce this problem, it is necessary to carry out activities to introduce and apply edible coating based on easily accessible materials. Edible coating can control post-harvest damage to cucumbers. This community service activity aims to control damage to cucumbers in partner groups through preliminary survey activities to obtain information related to partner conditions, socialization in the form of lectures followed by interactive discussions between participants and implementers, training in preparation and application of coating suspensions carried out through demonstration activities then continued with independent practice activities by each member of the farmer group. The final activity is an evaluation to measure the achievement of the goals and targets of the activity. The evaluation results showed an increase in partner knowledge about edible coating by 65% of the total participants. In addition, more than 70% of partner members have the skills to carry out the preparation of edible coating suspensions and apply them to the surface of cucumbers through dipping techniques.</em></p>Risna Erni Yati AduMarselina Theresia Djue TeaGebhardus Djugian Gelyaman
Copyright (c) 2024 Risna Erni Yati Adu, Marselina Theresia Djue Tea, Gebhardus Djugian Gelyaman
2025-01-042025-01-0491434810.12345/je.v9i1.183Safety Climate Evaluation in EPC Company Using The NOSACQ-50 Method and Safety Model Canvas
<p><em>A good work safety culture can improve occupational safety and health in the work environment. One of the keys to creating safe and sustainable working environment is to raise awareness of the importance of work safety. PT XYZ is a company providing large-scale Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) services. The problem faced is that work accidents still occur so that the company is still unable to achieve the zero-accident target. This study aims to identify the level of safety climate security using the Nordic occupational safety climate questionnaire (NOSACQ-50) and formulate recommendations for appropriate and sustainable improvements using the safety model canvas (SMC). The study results show that four of the seven dimensions of safety climate received scores between 3.00 – 3.30, which shows that improvement and improvements are still needed. Based on the safety canvas model that has been created, the priorities for improving safety climate from the first to the last are responsibility, engagement & involvement, competence, information & communication, risk, commitment, leadership, organizational learning.</em></p>Naia Putri HarendsaMega Cattleya Prameswari Annissaa Islami
Copyright (c) 2024 Naia Putri Harendsa, Mega Cattleya Prameswari Annissaa Islami
2025-01-112025-01-1191495410.12345/je.v9i1.241Quality Control To Reduce Defect In Packaging Using Six Sigma And FMEA Methods At PT XYZ
<p><em>PT XYZ is one of the largest food and beverage companies in Indonesia. In carrying out the production process, the company always strives to produce good products with minimal defects. Defects in the production process are unavoidable. Therefore, a study needs to be conducted to determine the factors that cause packaging defects. The methods used in this study are Six sigma and failure mode effect analysis (FMEA). Based on the results of the study, the three highest types of defects for biscuits were obtained, namely cutter seal cookies, folded packaging, and scratched packaging. The average sigma value was 3.59 with a possible defect of 18329.7 for one million processes. Furthermore, based on the analysis using the FMEA method, the main priority of improvement based on the highest Risk Priority Number (RPN) value that must be carried out by PT XYZ is directed at the cause of the cutter seal (KKC) clamp cake defect with a non-standard dimension with an RPN value of 240, the cause of the packaging defect folding the slide rail plate with an RPN value of 180, and the cause of the KKC cake defect setting the non-standard disc feeding with an RPN value of 144. It is hoped that this study will be able to reduce product packaging defects so as to generate maximum profits.</em></p>Ammalya A. FertansyahMega CPA. Islami
Copyright (c) 2024 Ammalya A. Fertansyah, Mega CPA. Islami
2025-01-112025-01-1191556210.12345/je.v9i1.242Integrated Approach of FMEA and RCA in Hazard Risk Management at the Calibration Laboratory of PT XYZ
<p><em>Calibration laboratories play an important role in ensuring the accuracy of measuring instruments used in various industries. However, operational activities in this laboratory are not free from risks, which can have an impact on operator safety and work efficiency. This case study conducted at the PT XYZ calibration laboratory aims to identify, analyze, and provide mitigation proposals for operational risks using an integrated Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) approach. Data collection is done through direct observation and interviews with operators and laboratory leaders, followed by analysis using FMEA to determine risk priorities based on the Risk Priority Number (RPN) value. Furthermore, RCA through Ishikawa diagram was used to find the root causes of the main risks. The results identified two prioritized risks, namely electrocution and mental fatigue. Proposed mitigations include occupational safety training, periodic inspections, installation of dehumidifiers, workload adjustments, and application of the </em>“5R <em>(Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Order, and Beauty)” work principles. This case study demonstrates that the application of integrated methods can provide a comprehensive solution for managing operational risks in calibration laboratories. The outputs of this case study include practical recommendations to improve work safety and operational efficiency, which are expected to have a positive impact on the company in the long term.</em></p>Adyatma NagataDira Ernawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Adyatma Nagata, Dira Ernawati
2025-01-112025-01-1191637010.12345/je.v9i1.195Implementation of TOPSIS in Strategic Management for Selecting the Best Airline: Case Study of PT XYZ
<p>Untuk menjaga efektivitas biaya, perusahaan harus mempertimbangkan dengan cermat maskapai mana yang akan digunakan untuk perjalanan dinas. Untuk membantu perusahaan memilih maskapai terbaik berdasarkan faktor-faktor seperti biaya, kenyamanan, pelayanan, dan ketepatan waktu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem pendukung keputusan dengan menggunakan teknik TOPSIS. Informasi yang digunakan mencakup ketepatan waktu penerbangan, kenyamanan armada, tarif tiket, dan pelayanan dari berbagai maskapai. Perhitungan metode TOPSIS menunjukkan bahwa Maskapai B adalah pilihan terbaik, diikuti oleh Maskapai D dan Maskapai E. Hasil perhitungan nilai preferensi menunjukkan bahwa Maskapai B menduduki peringkat pertama dengan nilai preferensi tertinggi 0,6862, diikuti oleh Maskapai D yang berada di peringkat kedua dengan nilai preferensi 0,6623. Maskapai E berada di peringkat ketiga dengan nilai preferensi 0,4406, dan Maskapai F berada di peringkat keempat dengan nilai 0,4289. Maskapai C berada di peringkat kelima dengan nilai preferensi 0,4278, sedangkan Maskapai A menduduki peringkat terakhir dengan nilai preferensi 0,2295. Sistem ini dapat membantu perusahaan dalam membuat keputusan yang lebih tepat dan efektif dalam memilih maskapai terbaik untuk perjalanan dinas.</p>Kezia Grace SudarmanRochmoeljati
Copyright (c) 2024 Kezia Grace Sudarman, Rochmoeljati
2025-01-112025-01-1191717610.12345/je.v9i1.197Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach in Vendor Selection Strategy to Improve the Effectiveness of Goods and Services Procurement
<p><em>PT XYZ as a company engaged in the maritime services industry is committed to improving overall operational effectiveness. Effective procurement of goods and services is one of the keys to success in the smooth operation of PT XYZ. The challenge to the procurement process lies in making decisions by considering the advantages and disadvantages of vendors. Without the right method, vendor selection decisions can risk reducing service quality and increasing operational costs. Therefore, the application of Analytical Hierarchy Process plays an important role in optimizing vendor selection strategies. This method integrates inter-criteria and inter-alternative comparisons based on predetermined criteria. The four criteria used as consideration for vendor selection are Quality of Work, Plan Realization, Implementation Plan, and Implementation Response. From these criteria, an inter-alternative comparison of Vendor A, Vendor B, Vendor C, and Vendor D. The results of alternative priorities show that Vendor B is considered the most capable of increasing effectiveness in the process of procuring goods and services at PT XYZ with the highest priority weight of 0.3712 in SuperDecisions software, followed by Vendor A occupying the second priority, Vendor C occupying the third priority, and Vendor D occupying the last priority. Meanwhile, the highest to lowest priority criteria are Plan Realization, Quality of Work, Implementation Plan, and Implementation Response. </em></p>Calyca Didy AramintaJoumil Aidil Saifuddin Z. S.
Copyright (c) 2024 Calyca Didy Araminta, Joumil Aidil Saifuddin Z. S.
2025-01-192025-01-1991778610.12345/je.v9i1.200Analysis Of Warehouse Management and Implementation of Barcodes for Monitoring Goods at PT XYZ
<p><em>PT XYZ is a company that operates in the state electricity generation sector. One of the keys to success and supporting the company's smooth operations is good warehouse management to reduce management errors. This study was carried out as an effort to improve warehouse management so that it can increase the company's operational efficiency. The failure mode and effect analysis method approach is a methodology used to evaluate failures that occur in a system, design, process or service. After carrying out the analysis, the results showed that the biggest failure was stock taking per item <5 minutes with the biggest point being 288 which was caused by manual stock taking activities. The suggestion for improvement given is the application of Barcodes (QR Codes) to simplify the stock taking process and shorten the stock taking work time. By implementing the QR Code system, warehouse management can cut the stock opname working time from what was previously done > 5 minutes to a maximum of 3 minutes with a total duration of work of around 1 month.</em></p>Sya Ilma MartaMinto Waluyo
Copyright (c) 2024 Sya Ilma Marta, Minto Waluyo
2025-01-192025-01-1991879410.12345/je.v9i1.198Optimization Of Production Employee Shift Scheduling Using The Simple Additive Weighting Method At PT Japfa Comfeed Gedangan
<p><em>This technical implementation study discusses the optimization of production employee shift scheduling at PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and Integer Linear Programming (ILP) methods. The scheduling model applied considers performance factors, job satisfaction, work discipline, and work knowledge to form teams with balanced total values, thereby increasing work effectiveness and efficiency. The rule-based scheduling method shows more regular and consistent shift distribution results, with a "1 team 1 shift in 1 week" pattern that supports stable routines and facilitates employee adaptation. The web-based scheduling system was developed using HTML, CSS on the front-end, and PHP and MySQL on the back-end, which is equipped with security features such as authentication and authorization. The applied results successfully showed increased productivity and reduced miscommunication between teams. The use of Excel Solver and Lingo 20.0 helped optimize work schedules with more precise calculations. The applied results also made a significant contribution to human resource management, but the imbalance in workload between teams still needs to be improved. Further studies are recommended to explore machine learning-based methods, integrate the system with HRMS tools, and study the psychological and economic impacts of implementing this system.</em></p>Rahandi RamadhanRr. Rochmoeljati
Copyright (c) 2024 Rahandi Ramadhan, Rr. Rochmoeljati
2025-01-192025-01-19919510610.12345/je.v9i1.199Effectiveness Analysis of PDAM Tirta Jaya's Water Distribution System in Pamekasan City: Sumber Nyamplong Case Studi
<p><em>The clean water distribution system in Pamekasan faces obstacles in the form of distribution imbalance, suboptimal infrastructure, and pipe leaks, especially in the Sumber Nyamplong area, which is one of the main sources. These problems have an impact on customer dissatisfaction and a decrease in the quality of life of the community. This case study aims to provide strategic solutions to improve the effectiveness of clean water distribution in the area. The activity partner is PDAM Tirta Jaya, a BUMD responsible for providing clean water in the Pamekasan area. A quantitative approach was used with a survey of 95 customers. Data analysis used regression analysis to understand the influence of quantity, quality, and continuity factors on customer satisfaction. The results of the study showed that water quality provided the highest level of satisfaction (65.26%), while continuity and quantity were at 42.11% and 40%, respectively. The proposed solutions include remapping the distribution network, improving the infrastructure system to reduce leaks, and providing reserve tanks for areas with high demand, to support the sustainability of PDAM services in the future. </em></p>Dian Nissa Fitri BudianiHafid Syaifullah
Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Nissa Fitri Budiani, Hafid Syaifullah
2025-01-242025-01-249110711410.12345/je.v9i1.208Risk Management In The Procurement Process of Upstream Oil Companies Using The House of Risk and Interpretive Structural Modelling
<p><em>The procurement process is a crucial component for ensuring smooth and uninterrupted operations in companies. Every activity inherently carries risks, which, while unpredictable, can be mitigated and minimized. This research aims to develop strategic recommendations for effective risk mitigation based on analytical results. This quantitative study identifies key risk prevention strategies and outlines step-by-step mitigation plans. The methods employed are the House of Risk (HOR) and Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM). Findings from HOR reveal that the most significant risk agent is “sudden user requests requiring immediate completion or breakdown conditions,” with the recommended mitigation being the “tiered training method.” Using ISM, it was determined that “routine coordination with users” is a level 1 risk mitigation strategy. This study concludes that “routine coordination with users” is the most effective mitigation measure, as it influences other mitigations while remaining independent.</em></p>Khabib FahruddinMega Cattleya Prameswari Annissa Islami
Copyright (c) 2024 Khabib Fahruddin, Mega Cattleya Prameswari Annissa Islami
2025-01-242025-01-249111512010.12345/je.v9i1.202Web Database Design to Fulfill Audit Document Requests at PT XYZ
<p><em>PT XYZ is a company that produces fertilizers, non-fertilizers, chemicals and agro-industrial products with various operational activities that support national food security. Continuous supervision and evaluation are needed to ensure that these activities are in accordance with standards and objectives. The Operations and Production Audit Department (AOP) is responsible for conducting supervision through the Annual Supervision Work Program (PKPT) which focuses on monitoring and evaluating the company's operations. However, in its implementation, it is often faced with challenges, such as limited human resources, short audit time, and wide audit coverage that hinders the collection of document requests. Currently, document collection still uses Google Drive and Spreadsheets which are relatively manual and time-consuming. To overcome this problem, a special system is needed to fulfill audit document requests which aims to simplify the process of collecting, monitoring and processing documents. This system is designed using the waterfall method with a MYSQL database and HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript programming languages compiled using Visual Studio Code. This system allows for historical storage, so that if it is needed in the future, the auditor does not need to ask the relevant work unit again. The notification feature and organized data access make it easier for auditors to monitor the fulfillment of document requests. Thus, the audit document request system helps the process of collecting, updating, and monitoring documents related to audit document requests to be more organized and efficient, and can reduce human errors and speed up the workflow.</em></p>Ayunda PA. LarasatiMinto Waluyo
Copyright (c) 2024 Ayunda PA. Larasati, Minto Waluyo
2025-01-302025-01-309112112810.12345/je.v9i1.251Hazard and Risk Analysis in Heavy Equipment Body Repair at PT Putra Jawamas
<p><em>PT Putra Jawamas is a company engaged in the field of equipment repair services with various services, such as heavy equipment and car body repairs, maintenance, body fabrication, and line boring. Companies often encounter heavy equipment, powerful machines, and chemicals during the operational process, so if not managed properly, the risk of work accidents will increase. Therefore, to reduce the risk of accidents and create a safe work environment, a comprehensive and structured K3 (Work Safety and Health) assessment using the HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control) method must be carried out. This method consists of three stages, starting from identifying work risks to controlling risks. The identification results show various potential hazards, such as physical injury due to sharp tools, exposure to smoke and chemicals, to other operational accidents. Based on the risk analysis, four moderate risks, three high risks, and three very high risks were found. The causes are lack of training, unclear procedures and lack of worker focus. As a preventive measure, risk control is needed, such as the use of body protection devices, worker training, creating work procedures, installing symbols and procuring fire extinguishers. This technical study is expected to create a safe work environment, reduce the number of work accidents, and increase worker productivity in the company.</em></p>Syarifuddin A. NugrahaFarida Pulansari
Copyright (c) 2024 Syarifuddin A. Nugraha, Farida Pulansari
2025-01-302025-01-309112913810.12345/je.v9i1.252Analysis of Packaging Machine Effectiveness with Overall Equipment Effectiveness and Six Big Losses
<p><em>This study was conducted at PT XYZ, which is the largest food and beverage manufacturing industry in Indonesia. This company has several machines in the production process, one of which is a packaging machine. This machine is very susceptible to damage, because it is often used in the production process. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of packaging machines by applying the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Six Big Losses methods. OEE is applied to measure machine performance based on three main aspects, namely availability, performance and quality, while Six Big Losses are used to determine the main factors of efficiency loss. Data were collected through direct observation and production data. The results of the study found that the OEE value of the packaging machine was still below standard with a value of 74.21%, and reduce speed losses of 12.78% as the main cause of efficiency loss. Based on these findings, improvements in machine maintenance, operator training, and improvements to product standards are recommended, in order to increase machine effectiveness.</em></p>Acyuta Intan NurardisaYekti Condro Winursito
Copyright (c) 2024 Acyuta Intan Nurardisa, Yekti Condro Winursito
2025-01-302025-01-309113914410.12345/je.v9i1.253Application of Fuzzy Logic in Optimizing Work Productivity with the Nordic Body Map
<p><em>Work productivity and employee well-being are critical aspects of organizational management, particularly at PT XYZ. The Administrative and Operational Support Division faces ergonomic challenges due to prolonged sitting in non-ergonomic positions. This study aims to analyze ergonomic risks using the Nordic Body Map (NBM) combined with Fuzzy Logic. Traditional ergonomic methods are often manual and subjective. NBM is applied to map employees' physical complaints based on body areas, while Fuzzy Logic is utilized to classify risk levels with higher precision. Data reveal that lower back and neck complaints dominate moderate to high-risk levels, affecting overall work efficiency. The results demonstrate that implementing Fuzzy Logic improves evaluation accuracy by up to 20% compared to traditional methods. Furthermore, this approach provides data-driven recommendations for ergonomic interventions, including workstation adjustments and posture training programs. This study not only offers practical solutions for PT XYZ but also expands the application of Fuzzy Logic technology in ergonomic analysis. It highlights the significant potential for reducing ergonomic risks and serves as a reference for other organizations aiming to develop data-driven ergonomic strategies to enhance work productivity and employee well-being.</em></p>Dimas Ramadhani YuliantoMega Cattleya Prameswari Annissaa Islami
Copyright (c) 2024 Dimas Ramadhani Yulianto, Mega Cattleya Prameswari Annissaa Islami
2025-01-302025-01-309114515010.12345/je.v9i1.254Analysis Of Damage Bridge At Tanjung Perak Terminal With Failure Mode And Effect Analysis Method
<p><em>Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya is one of the main ports in Indonesia that has a strategic role in supporting the distribution of goods and passenger transportation in the eastern region. This article analyzes the potential damage to the weighbridge at the Tanjung Perak Passenger Terminal, especially on the Support Beam and Checkered Plate components, to provide solutions that improve operational safety and service efficiency. The Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method is used to identify major failure modes such as wear and deformation, with priority recommendations for repair and maintenance of major components. The analysis was carried out on the Support Beam and Checkered Plate components, identifying potential damage in the form of cracks, deformation, wear, and cracks. The FMEA results show that wear on the Checkered Plate has the highest Risk Priority Number (RPN) value (336), followed by deformation on the Support Beam (294), which indicates a significant risk to operational safety. This damage is caused by overload, corrosion, repetitive stress, and uneven load distribution. The implementation of mitigation measures is expected to support optimal terminal management, improve facility reliability, and ensure safer operations for port service users.</em></p>Raihan Daru BimantoroIriani
Copyright (c) 2024 Raihan Daru Bimantoro, Iriani
2025-01-302025-01-309115115610.12345/je.v9i1.255Analysis of Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedures in The State on Fire at PT Gold Coin Indonesia
<p>This study aims to analyze the implementation of Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) in controlling fire emergencies at PT Gold Coin Indonesia, a livestock feed manufacturing company. This study evaluates the company's readiness to deal with potential emergencies through operational procedures, equipment provision, training, and simulations. Data were collected through field observations, interviews with the emergency response team, and review of related documents. The results of the analysis show that the company has integrated EPR into the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) since 2018, including emergency response procedures, training, and equipment maintenance. However, challenges were found in the limited number of light fire extinguishers (APAR) and the frequency of simulations that still need to be improved. The results of this analysis provide recommendations for improving safety facilities, optimizing training, and strengthening cooperation with external parties. These findings are expected to support the development of more effective occupational safety policies.</p>M. Alfin Sukma SantosoRizqi Novita Sari
Copyright (c) 2024 M. Alfin Sukma Santoso, Rizqi Novita Sari
2025-01-302025-01-309115716410.12345/je.v9i1.256Analysis of Noise Level in the Workmanship Workshop Area of PT Berkah Anugerah Inti Semesta Departmental Signs with Control Chart X ̅ and R
<p><em>PT Berkah Anugerah Inti Semesta, which is engaged in trading, handling, and operational and maintenance services, faces challenges related to exposure to noise levels that can affect workers' health. An analysis was conducted to evaluate the impact of noise on workers and formulate solutions to reduce it. The X̅ and R control map method and fishbone diagram were used to identify noise levels in three workshop areas that have high noise potential. Results showed that some noise values exceeded the threshold, posing a risk to workers' health in the long term. The main cause was identified as a lack of attention to noise management in the production process. The recommendations implemented aim to significantly reduce noise levels, safeguard workers' health, and increase productivity. These results provide strategic guidance for noise management in industrial work environments.</em></p>Septia AnggrainiMinto Waluyo
Copyright (c) 2024 Septia Anggraini, Minto Waluyo
2025-01-312025-01-319116517010.12345/je.v9i1.257Analysis of Demand for Material Variations Effect on Material Procurement Process Time at PT XYZ Using the Structural Equation Modeling Method
<p><em>Effective material procurement is an important factor for the success of a company's operations, especially in a manufacturing industry with a high level of complexity such as that operated by PT XYZ. In this case, effective material management not only affects the smoothness of the production process, but also contributes to the company's overall competitiveness and performance. A study on the influence of material variations listed in the request letter and the time required for material procurement at PT XYZ was conducted to reduce risks that could potentially disrupt material management performance. This study is based on statistical analysis. The results of the hypothesis test show that the relationship between VJ (Type Variation) and WP (Procurement Time) is significant, with a t-statistic of 2.318 and a p-value of 0.020 <0.05. The relationship between VS (Specification Variation) and WP also shows significant results with a t-statistic of 2.411 and a p-value of 0.016. Thus, VJ and VS have a significant effect on WP. By understanding this correlation, companies are expected to be able to identify areas that need improvement in the procurement process, as well as reduce the risk of delays that can affect overall performance.</em></p>Difa Nur PratiwiMega CPA. Islami
Copyright (c) 2024 Difa Nur Pratiwi, Mega CPA. Islami
2025-02-062025-02-069117117610.12345/je.v9i1.212Charcoal Briquette Making Training Based on Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) Skin Waste in Banyurip Village, Sragen
<p><em>The charcoal briquette making training activity was carried out in Banyurip Village, Jenar District, Sragen Regency, Central Java. The community in Banyurip Village through the Banyurip Lestari Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) manages Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) bean agricultural products. The plant is used to be processed into various products with economic value. However, the waste produced from the Sacha Inchi seed processing process has not been managed optimally. The purpose of this training activity is for the community to know how to make briquettes so that they can utilize Sacha Inchi skin waste. The implementation of the training was carried out through the stages of coordination, preparation, training, and evaluation of activities. There were 16 participants who attended the training who were members of the Banyurip Lestari LMDH. The results of this activity showed that charcoal briquette making training was something new for some participants. Through this activity, it is hoped that the community's capacity in utilizing Sacha Inchi skin waste will increase and lead to prosperity.</em></p>Sulthan Rafli Sya’ban RamdhaniJihan IsmahwatiShanly Rizki SaharaRirin AmbarwatiYus Andhini Bhekti PertiwiAna AgustinaSupriyadiSigit Murhofiq
Copyright (c) 2024 Sulthan Rafli Sya’ban Ramdhani, Jihan Ismahwati, Shanly Rizki Sahara, Ririn Ambarwati, Yus Andhini Bhekti Pertiwi, Ana Agustina, Supriyadi, Sigit Murhofiq
2025-02-082025-02-089117718210.12345/je.v9i1.178Optimizing Organic Digital Marketing Strategy for Social Media Instagram Arirang with the Engagement Rate and Followers Growth Method
<p><em>This study aimed to optimize the organic digital marketing strategy of Instagram for the Arirang brand by utilizing Engagement Rate (ER) and Followers Growth as evaluation metrics. The activity involved collecting interaction data from Instagram Insights over a three-month period, calculating ER and Followers Growth, and analyzing the impact of these metrics on content performance and audience engagement. The results demonstrated a high ER of 189.61%, indicating exceptional audience interaction and content performance, along with a significant followers growth of 80.52%, showcasing the effectiveness of interactive content strategies such as giveaways and collaborations with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs). These findings highlight the potential for sustainable audience engagement and brand awareness growth when leveraging social media analytics in digital marketing strategies. Future recommendations include regular monitoring of account insights, experimentation with content formats, and expanded collaborations to reach a broader audience segment.</em></p>Bova Ayesha Ameer Wibowo Mega Cattleya Prameswari Annissa Islami
Copyright (c) 2024 Bova Ayesha Ameer Wibowo , Mega Cattleya Prameswari Annissa Islami
2025-02-082025-02-089118318810.12345/je.v9i1.262Minimizing Production Line Waste Using Waste Assessment Model and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Method
<p><em>PT XYZ is a company engaged in the manufacturing industry, which produces feed for chickens and cattle. In carrying out the process to fulfill daily production orders, the production target of 15 batches/hour or 45 tons/hour and the production target of the company's key performance indicator of 42.73 tons/hour, often cannot be achieved. This is due to the presence of seven wastes. The waste consists of over production, unnecessary inventory, defects, unnecessary motion, excessive transportation, inappropriate processing, and waiting. This can be overcome with a lean manufacturing approach through the waste assessment model and failure mode and effect analysis methods. The waste assessment model obtained three main wastes including defects (22.29%), waiting (15.79%), and transportation (15.71%). The FMEA (failure mode and effect analysis) method was applied to identify sub-wastes with high and very high RPN (risk priority number) categories from the defect, waiting, and transportation sub-wastes. Recommendations for improvement have been given, but have not been implemented in the company. It is hoped that the results of this analysis can have a positive impact and help achieve the target for animal feed production.</em></p>Aries FirmansyahNur Rahmawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Aries Firmansyah, Nur Rahmawati
2025-02-082025-02-089118919810.12345/je.v9i1.237Layout Planning of Finished Goods Warehouse Using Class-Based Storage Method Based on Turnover Ratio in PT XYZ
<p><em>The increasing demand in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors, especially for fertilizers and dolomite mining materials, has driven the need to optimize the management of finished goods warehouses. The current goods management system in PT XYZ's warehouse is not yet effective and efficient, including the storage of goods is not yet organized and not well organized, resulting in several impacts that affect the decline in warehouse performance. This study aims to provide a proposal for warehouse layout planning at PT XYZ using the class-based storage method combined with FSN (Fast, Slow, Non-Moving) analysis based on the turnover ratio (TOR) by grouping goods according to the turnover rate so as to maximize the utilization of warehouse space, speed up the process of picking goods, and increase operational efficiency. The results of the re-planning show that the capacity of Warehouse 1 decreased by 4.6% or 721 tons and Warehouse 2 by 19.4% or 2,043 tons, by allocating part of the area for transportation maneuver lines and defective goods processing areas, sieving machines, screen printing areas, and auxiliary material storage areas. Product grouping resulted in 11 types of products in the fast-moving category, 1 type in the slow-moving category, and 2 types in the non-moving category. The proposed new warehouse layout has proven effective in shortening material handling distances, accelerating the goods transportation process, and supporting smooth distribution of goods.</em></p>Erliansa FatmawatiNur Rahmawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Erliansa Fatmawati, Nur Rahmawati
2025-02-102025-02-109119920810.12345/je.v9i1.263Analysis of LINE 17 Work Using the 5S Method as an Effort to Prevent Work Accidents at PT. XYZ
<p><em>PT XYZ is one of the leading companies in the food and beverage sector in Indonesia. PT XYZ faces challenges in its work environment in the form of irregular placement of goods. This problem can have a negative impact on the company and employees, especially in the field of occupational health and safety. This study aims to design steps that can minimize potential occupational hazards for employees using the 5S method (Seiri/Sort, Seiton/Straighten, Seiso/Shine, Seiketsu/Standardize, and Shitsuke/Sustain). The results of observation and analysis show that the implementation of the 5S method at PT XYZ has not been carried out optimally. Untidy and unclean conditions can cause discomfort for workers in carrying out their activities, and even have the potential to cause work accidents. The proposed improvements that can be considered by PT XYZ on Line 17 are sorted according to the points in the 5S method. From the results of the analysis of the proposed implementation of the 5S method, it is hoped that the company can make improvements as an effort to prevent work accidents.</em></p>Daffa A. HartonoRizqi N. Sari
Copyright (c) 2024 Daffa A. Hartono, Rizqi N. Sari
2025-02-122025-02-129120921410.12345/je.v9i1.265Implementation of Analytical Hierarchy Process Method in Selecting Active Lime Suppliers at PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika
<p><em>In a competitive business world, supplier selection is a strategic element to ensure the sustainability of a company's operations. PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika, which operates in the construction industry sector, requires high-quality raw materials such as quicklime to support the success of its projects. This study applies the Analytical Hierarchy Process method to supplier selection to provide recommendations for determining the best quicklime supplier for PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika. The Analytical Hierarchy Process method is a multi-criteria decision-making method that combines quantitative and qualitative approaches to compile a hierarchy of problems and assess alternative solutions based on predetermined criteria weights. Supplier evaluation is carried out based on strategic criteria that include cost, quality, service, safety, and occupational health. Data is obtained through interviews and direct observations in the field, then processed to produce priorities in decision making. The results of the analysis show that this method can be used effectively as a systematic approach in supply chain management in the construction sector. For company partners, it is recommended to routinely evaluate supplier performance by considering changes in operational needs and market dynamics, in order to ensure supply sustainability and increase operational efficiency.</em></p>Mutiara RahmiTranggono
Copyright (c) 2024 Mutiara Rahmi, Tranggono
2025-02-142025-02-149121522210.12345/je.v9i1.230Work Accident Risk Analysis in Building Renovation Project at PT. XYZ Using the FMEA Method
<p><em>Construction projects naturally involve a high risk of work-related accidents, with potentially serious consequences if they occur. This is especially relevant in developing countries, where the risk of work-related accidents tends to be higher. In general, risk is defined as a situation that has the potential to have a detrimental impact on an individual or organization. Managing occupational safety and health (OHS) risks becomes very important. The Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method is used to identify risks by calculating the Risk Priority Number (RPN) value. Based on the results of the analysis of work-related accident risks in the building renovation project at PT XYZ, the highest RPN value was obtained, namely 251.6, in the wall and ceiling painting process. The risks identified include eye irritation and poisoning due to paint vapors during the painting process. A fishbone diagram was prepared to identify the main factors that could increase the potential for work-related accidents. The results of this analysis were used to design work-related accident risk control measures in the renovation project at PT XYZ.</em></p>Rizky Amalia KhusnaMinto Waluyo
Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Amalia Khusna, Minto Waluyo
2025-02-142025-02-149122322810.12345/je.v9i1.266Implementation Of Critical Path Method And Critical Chain Project Management For Project Schedulling
<p><em>Work time scheduling is a crucial factor that affects the success of construction project implementation. Project management is a discipline that utilizes information, skills, tools, and procedures to plan, organize, and direct resources (human, time, financial, and material) to achieve set goals within a certain period of time. The use of scheduling programs or tools increases the effectiveness and efficiency of project management. This study aims to implement the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) techniques for work duration scheduling on the oil tank foundation construction project at PT XYZ. The study data were obtained by analyzing the correlation between the relationship between work and the duration of each activity. The results of the comparative analysis of the two methodologies were used to identify important tasks and ensure the ideal project duration. The results of the analysis showed that the CCPM duration was 90 days, 8 days faster than the CPM approach. PT XYZ is advised to use an application-based scheduling method to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its project implementation.</em></p>Mukandar IdrisMega Cattleya Prameswari Annissa Islami
Copyright (c) 2024 Mukandar Idris, Mega Cattleya Prameswari Annissa Islami
2025-02-152025-02-159122923410.12345/je.v9i1.221Postpartum Independent Recovery at Home by Utilizing the Yard as a Means of Providing Medicinal Plant
<p><em>The main problems faced by postpartum women in Padang Pelawi Village include a lack of knowledge and access to appropriate health care methods, both physically and psychologically. Many postpartum women experience difficulties in breastfeeding, self-care after childbirth, and maintaining psychological balance. This empowerment activity seeks to increase community awareness and attitudes towards importance of postpartum maternal health care, as well as support postpartum mothers to avoid physical and psychosocial problems. Farmer women's groups in the village are empowered can make use of their yards by cultivating therapeutic plants that benefit postpartum women's recovery. The methods are socialization, training, technology application, evaluation and mentoring, and program sustainability. The community service program results showed an increase in the knowledge of women farmer groups in Padang Pelawi village. It is anticipated to have a lasting effect, and there is a need for continuous assistance for farm women groups in utilizing the yard and making ginger powder.</em></p>Sari WidyaningsihJuanda SyafitasariEdi SusiloParwito Popy Siska Putri
Copyright (c) 2024 Sari Widyaningsih, Juanda Syafitasari, Edi Susilo, Parwito , Popy Siska Putri
2024-12-132024-12-13911610.12345/je.v9i1.167Strengthening Public Health through Screening and Early Education on The Month of Immunization Program in Elementary Schools in Gunung Anyar, Surabaya
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Screening activities and immunization programs at elementary schools in the Gunung Anyar District, Surabaya are important pillars in efforts to prevent disease and maintain public health, especially in children. Screening activities are needed to detect certain health conditions, both physical and mental, that require further treatment. This is important to ensure that every child can grow and develop optimally, and to identify health problems as early as possible so that appropriate interventions can be carried out. The BIAS (Monthly School Children's Immunization) program aims to provide immunization to school-age children to gain immunity to diseases that can be prevented by vaccination. Screening activities and health education during BIAS immunization are very important to be carried out periodically by involving health workers, schools, and parents. This can improve the health of the community so that public health goals can be achieved optimally. The implementation of educational activities has gone well. The sustainability of activities is realized in the formation of foster families, which are monitored until the targeted increase in health levels is achieved.</em></p>Leonardo Tedjaprasadja
Copyright (c) 2024 Leonardo Tedjaprasadja
2024-12-312024-12-319171010.12345/je.v9i1.211Community Service in Stunting Prevention Efforts with Spinach Product Innovation
<p>Stunting is a chronic condition caused by malnutrition since in the womb. Lojejer Village, located in Wuluhan District, Jember Regency, is one of the areas that still experiences stunting problems. Therefore, KKN Collaboration #3 students made efforts to prevent stunting in Jember Regency through a community service program. The focus of the program is to increase public awareness about nutrition for pregnant women and toddlers, as well as introduce spinach processed products, such as spinach pudding. The outreach activities carried out involved posyandu cadres and PKK mothers in Lojejer Village, which succeeded in increasing understanding of stunting. The socialization and demonstration methods were effective in attracting public interest. The evaluation showed an increase in awareness and active participation, which is expected to improve children's nutrition and health. This program emphasizes the importance of collaboration between the government, health workers, and the community for optimal results.</p>Maulina AlfindySeptina Nur AiniDewi SintaNanik Hariyana
Copyright (c) 2024 Maulina Alfindy, Septina Nur Aini, Dewi Sinta, Nanik Hariyana
2025-01-182025-01-1891111410.12345/je.v9i1.113Food Crop and Klanceng Bee Cultivation Development in Supporting the Food Security Tourism Development in Srimulyo Village
<p><em>Srimulyo Village began to be developed into a Food Security Tourism Village, since 2023. The problems faced by the people of Srimulyo Village, especially Dusun Payak Cilik, are the low level of community involvement and the benefits obtained from tourism development are still low. Around Srimulyo Village, there are many flowers that are a source of bee food, so that klanceng bee cultivation has great potential to be developed. In addition, there are also many empty lands along the banks of the Opak River that have the potential for developing food crops. Solutions to the problem are directed at increasing knowledge of how to cultivate food crops, diversifying processed products, klanceng bee cultivation that can be integrated with the development of tourist villages, improving organizational management, and increasing financial literacy. The stages of activity include preparation and coordination, counseling and practice of food crop cultivation, processing tubers, counseling and practice of klanceng cultivation, counseling on organizational management and financial literacy, as well as evaluation and monitoring. The activity began with the stage of socialization and coordination of activities with the CUCT cooperative management and the Dwi Manunggal Farmers Group. The activity was attended by 20 members of the farmer group. Based on the questionnaire given, it is known that the understanding of farmer group members about food crop cultivation, product processing, and how to cultivate klanceng bees is still low (only 15%). After the extension, it increased to 85%.</em></p>Chatarina Lilis SuryaniSiti TamarohPrabu AriawangningratiHilma Amanda AnsabilaFX Suwarta
Copyright (c) 2024 Chatarina Lilis Suryani, Siti Tamaroh, Prabu Ariawangningrati, Hilma Amanda Ansabila, FX Suwarta
2024-12-112024-12-11911610.12345/je.v9i1.189“Tirto Mekar Tani” Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul Women's Farming Group Empowerment Through Bedog Riverbank Space Utilization
<p><em>The women's farmer group (KWT) "Tirto Mekar Tani" in Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, has little or no knowledge about organic farming, depending on synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides. On the other hand, partners have a very high cultivation spirit to fill their free time. This community service activity aims to empower partners by utilizing riverbanks in the area. The activity is expected to have a positive impact on environmental health and can increase group income, at least at the family level. The implementation of the activity includes identification and collection of initial data, formation of a work team, counseling and training, planning a space utilization program, monitoring and evaluation, documentation and publication of results. The results of the activity show the high enthusiasm of partners in planting organic vegetables, having knowledge of organic vegetable cultivation, fertile vegetable growth and satisfactory harvest results, increasing the beauty of the environment and strengthening friendships between members. The profits from the sale of vegetables after being consumed by members are used to rent village-owned ponds for tilapia cultivation, thus contributing to improving community welfare.</em></p>Umul AimanBambang SriwijayaDian AstrianiEukarista Alun
Copyright (c) 2024 Umul Aiman, Bambang Sriwijaya, Dian Astriani, Eukarista Alun
2024-12-132024-12-139171210.12345/je.v9i1.190Increasing of Knowledge and Interest in Vertiminaponic Cultivation for Teenagers in Gelora Indah Mosque Orphanages, Purwokerto Lor
<p><em>An orphanage is a place of residence and care, both for orphans and for abandoned children. The Gelora Indah Mosque Orphanage in Purwokerto is inhabited by thirteen teenagers. The potential of the second floor attic of this orphanage has not been maximized. With the condition of the yard land that is not spacious and to equip the teenagers with soft skills, one technology that can be applied is the vertiminaponic technique. This technique combines plant cultivation (hydroponics) and fish (aquaculture) in one place/land that is arranged vertically. Community service activities are carried out using the lecture method followed by cultivation assistance. The results of community service show an increase in knowledge and concepts about vertiminaponic cultivation of the orphanage teenagers by 83.34% and 49.58%. Meanwhile, when viewed from the aspect of knowledge about equipment and stages in vertiminaponic cultivation, there is an increase of 65.26% and 70.32%. This activity is an initiation in order to increase food independence for the orphanage teenagers through diversification of processed products from cultivation.</em></p>Eka OktavianiAgus SurotoImastini Dinuriah
Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Oktaviani, Agus Suroto, Imastini Dinuriah
2024-12-142024-12-1491131810.12345/je.v9i1.149Empowerment of Mekar Jaya Farmer Group through Eco Farming and Digital Marketing for Optimization of Coconut and Corn Diversification Products
<p><em>The Mekar Jaya Farmers Group has great potential in utilizing coconut and corn for diversification of value-added products. However, limited knowledge of environmentally friendly agricultural techniques (Ecofarming) and access to digital marketing are the main obstacles in optimizing coconut and corn diversification products. This community partnership program (PKM) aims to empower the Mekar Jaya Farmers Group through the application of ecofarming methods and the introduction of digital marketing strategies to increase productivity and the selling value of diversified products. Activities include education and training in making organic fertilizers, managing organic waste, diversification of coconut and corn waste products such as cocopeat, cocofiber, and corn-based snacks, as well as assistance in using digital platforms for marketing. The results of the activities showed an increase in the understanding and skills of the Mekar Jaya Farmers Group regarding ecofarming practices by 85%, diversification of coconut waste products (80%), diversification of corn (75%) and the reach of product marketing through digital media increased by 70%. This program not only provides new understanding to farmers about the importance of sustainable agricultural practices, but also opens up wider opportunities in marketing their products through digital technology. The implementation of ecofarming, which maintains environmental sustainability, and the use of digital marketing , coconut and corn-based diversified products now have higher competitiveness in the market and are able to support the optimization of agricultural products as well as environmental sustainability.</em></p>Febriyanti FebriyantiNovri Youla KandowangkoArif DwinantoIswanto BakariMiftahul F. AduduAdila Nindhaulhasanah
Copyright (c) 2024 Febriyanti Febriyanti, Novri Youla Kandowangko, Arif Dwinanto, Iswanto Bakari, Miftahul F. Adudu, Adila Nindhaulhasanah
2025-01-032025-01-0391192410.12345/je.v9i1.217Unsoed Protani Inpago Rice Cultivation Field School at Ngudi Raharjo III Farmers Group, Lemberang Village
<p><em>The Ngudi Raharjo III Farmers Group, Lemberang Village, cultivates rice as the main commodity. This farmer group's rice field is located in the Siwuluh Block in Lemberang Village, Sokaraja District, Banyumas Regency. This rice field is located above a river flow, so it often experiences drought during the planting season. The problem in this farmer group is the limited availability of high-yielding and drought-tolerant lowland rice varieties. The solution to this problem is a field school for cultivating superior, drought-tolerant and high-yielding rice varieties resulting from the innovation of Jenderal Soedirman University, namely Inpago Unsoed Protani. Field school activities include counseling and Inpago Unsoed Protani rice cultivation demonstration plot. The results of this science and technology implementation activities are there has been a change in farmer behavior from tegel planting system to a jajar legowo system, Inpago Unsoed Protani has been successfully harvested and shows advantages that farmers like, and farmers are interested in planting Inpago Unsoed Protani in the next planting season.</em></p>Agus RiyantoRifki Andi NoviaFatichinSuwarto
Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Riyanto, Rifki Andi Novia, Fatichin, Suwarto
2025-01-112025-01-1191253010.12345/je.v9i1.182Training And Mentoring In Project-Based Learning For P5 Instruction For Mathematics Teachers At SMAN 2 Lumajang
<p><em>The Merdeka Curriculum is a more flexible curriculum structure that focuses on essential material. This curriculum is not implemented simultaneously and massively, giving educational units the freedom to implement it. The Merdeka Curriculum provides references for teachers to develop independent teaching practices and share good practices. The problem is that not all schools receive this information equally. In its implementation, the Merdeka curriculum is associated with PjBL (Project Based Learning), a learning method that uses projects as a medium. In PjBL, students become the center of learning and conduct in-depth investigations into a topic. This community service was carried out at SMAN 2 Lumajang which had never been given assistance on PjBL in P5 (Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project).</em></p>Alfiani Athma Putri RosyadiYus M. CholilyBaiduriZharla Zetira AszahraGalih Azhar RamadhanJihan Nur Aini
Copyright (c) 2024 Alfiani Athma Putri Rosyadi, Yus M. Cholily, Baiduri, Zharla Zetira Aszahra, Galih Azhar Ramadhan, Jihan Nur Aini
2025-01-022025-01-02911610.12345/je.v9i1.194Developing Mekarsari Gambung Village as an Integrated Educational Tourism Area
<p><em>Community-based tourism development is one of the effective strategies to increase the economic potential and welfare of local communities. As a model for tourism development, tourist villages prioritize cultural values, local wisdom, and environmental sustainability by actively involving the local community in tourism activities. This concept aims to promote sustainable and inclusive tourism, where local communities directly benefit through the provision of tourism services and products, such as homestays, handicrafts, traditional cuisine, and cultural attractions. Mekarsari Gambung, as one of the tourist villages developed through the Bandung State Polytechnic's Fostered Village program, exemplifies how tourism management can be carried out using a community-based approach. In its development, educational tourism packages like EduTea, EduCoffee, and Dairy Farm Half Day Trip are designed not only to provide tourism experiences for visitors but also to strengthen the skills and knowledge of local communities. Community involvement in these tourism activities can open up new job opportunities, increase income, and encourage the preservation of village culture and environment. The fostered village program also supports the development of human resource capacity through training and mentoring, ensuring the continuous improvement of tourism service quality. Thus, the development of sustainable and community-based tourism tourist villages provides long-term benefits for village development and community welfare.</em></p>Chandra Budhi SeptyandiSyifaa NoviantiSherly Raka Siwi Putri UtomoMarceilla SuryanaDinarsiah Chendraningrum
Copyright (c) 2024 Chandra Budhi Septyandi, Syifaa Novianti, Sherly Raka Siwi Putri Utomo, Marceilla Suryana, Dinarsiah Chendraningrum
2025-01-042025-01-049171410.12345/je.v9i1.124Enhancing Tourism at Temam Waterfall Park through the Establishment of an English-Speaking Market Area and Education for Local Vendors
<p><em>Temam Waterfall Tourism Park in Lubuklinggau, South Sumatra, has great potential as a tourist destination with natural beauty in the form of waterfalls and beautiful vegetation. However, there was a decrease in the number of visitors which had a negative impact on the income of local traders. To overcome this problem, initiatives have been carried out in the form of the establishment of an English-speaking market area and training for local traders. This program aims to improve the communication skills of traders in English, so as to better serve tourists and create a more satisfying tourist experience. The training includes communication skills, customer service, and more effective promotional strategies. In addition, this program also encourages environmental care and promotion of local crafts to increase tourist attractions. Activities are carried out through socialization, scheduled training, hands-on practice, and the application of technology to support continuous learning. Periodic mentoring and evaluation are carried out to ensure that the skills acquired are applied in daily practice. The results of this program show that the improvement of traders' communication skills has increased, they are able to serve sellers with simple English. Thus, after the traders can communicate in English, it is hoped that they can bring tourists to return for vacation at the Teem Waterfall Tourism Park.</em></p>Agus TriyogoHamdanParwito Moh.Hafiz AlbaridiMuhammad Thoriqul KhoirAdji Prahmana PutraNoval Miftahul IhsanIntan Mutia
Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Triyogo, Hamdan, Parwito , Moh.Hafiz Albaridi, Muhammad Thoriqul Khoir, Adji Prahmana Putra, Noval Miftahul Ihsan, Intan Mutia
2025-02-122025-02-1291152010.12345/je.v9i1.171Herayaky Powder-Based Silage Technology for Sustainable Animal Feed in the Sejahtera Farmers Group of Nunmafo Village-North Central Timor
<p><em>The availability of quality feed throughout the year is a major challenge in dryland farming, especially in Nunmafo Village, North Central Timor. The long dry season in this area results in limited green fodder. This community service program aims to apply silage technology based on Herayaky Powder to improve the quality and availability of animal feed while supporting the sustainability of animal husbandry. This technology uses King Rass grass and lamtoro leaves as the main ingredients, which are fermented with the addition of Herayaky Powder as a probiotic inoculant. Activities with Sejahtera farmer group partners are carried out through counseling and training or direct practice of silage technology. The results of animal feed processing are monitored periodically for pH levels and environmental temperatures and laboratory tests are carried out to measure the nutritional content of the feed.</em></p>Alfred NubatonisZofar Agluis BanunaekFried Markus Allung BlegurErnes Josias BlegurSteffanie M. C. NoachYuliana Kolo
Copyright (c) 2024 Alfred Nubatonis, Zofar Agluis Banunaek, Fried Markus Allung Blegur, Ernes Josias Blegur, Steffanie M. C. Noach, Yuliana Kolo
2024-12-102024-12-10911610.12345/je.v9i1.186Training on Making Black Soldier Fly Lure Media at the Nunnapa Freshwater Fish Farming Group
<p><em>One of the freshwater fish farming groups in Kota Kefamenanu District is the Nunnapa Group. This group develops freshwater fish farming of tilapia and catfish. This group experiences business constraints in the form of low levels of knowledge and mastery of fish feed technology while the price of fish feed is high. On the other hand, insects have been studied as a source of protein, their use is recommended because they are more economical and environmentally friendly. The type of insect developed as an alternative feed with characteristics and abundant nutrient content is Hermetia illucens or black soldier fly (BSF) from the order Diptera, family Stratiomydae. This community service activity is aimed at increasing knowledge and mastery of feed technology in partners. This activity is expected to help fish farmers in Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) Regency, especially the Nunnapa fish farming group, to be able to produce alternative feed. The activity began with a survey, interviews, and socialization. Counseling and training on making female BSF fly lure media were carried out at the implementation stage. This lure media is expected to attract female BSF flies to come and lay eggs. The eggs that hatch into larvae (maggots) can be used as food for freshwater fish. The results of this service are expected to increase the production of freshwater fish, which in turn increases the income of partners and the welfare of the surrounding community in general.</em></p>Maria Marselina BayGonsianus PakaenoniYolanda Getrudis NaisumuRemigius BinsasiPaskalis Abi
Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Marselina Bay, Gonsianus Pakaenoni, Yolanda Getrudis Naisumu, Remigius Binsasi, Paskalis Abi
2024-12-122024-12-129171210.12345/je.v9i1.176Education on Making Local Fish Spawning Stimulants for the Pokdakan Karya Maju in Karya Tani Village
<p><em>Pokdakan Karya Maju is one of the fish farming groups located in Karya Tani Village, Barambai District, Barito Kuala Regency. The problem faced by Pokdakan is that they have not been able to produce their own seeds. This is because the spawning process requires special and specific skills and knowledge. Pokdakan must always buy seeds from the Seedling Center for the sustainability of their business. This is certainly risky for the sustainability of the business if they fail to get fish seeds. This community service activity (PkM) aims to educate Pokdakan about making local fish spawning materials from the pituitary gland. The approach method used is socialization and demonstration, question and answer which is then carried out to evaluate the knowledge and skills of the target audience with a t-test. The results of the pretest and posttest evaluations showed an increase in the knowledge and skills of the target audience from an average of 19% to 80.57%. The results of the t-test showed that thit (1.982) > ttab (1.734) which means that the change was significant.</em></p>Akhmad MurjaniSiswanto SiswantoUntung BijaksanaIndira FitriliyaniMuhammad AdrianiErmalia Herawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Akhmad Murjani, Siswanto Siswanto, Untung Bijaksana, Indira Fitriliyani, Muhammad Adriani, Ermalia Herawati
2024-12-142024-12-1491131610.12345/je.v9i1.180Optimizing The Community Role In The PBPH ULM Mangrove Area by Creating A Demonstration Plot For Soft Shell Crab Cultivation Using Recirculating Aquaculture System Method
<p><em>The program to create environmentally friendly and sustainable soka crab cultivation demonstration plots is a strategic step to increase the capacity of coastal communities in Kotabaru Regency. The application of the RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System) method using a vertical crab house allows for efficient use of resources and better waste management. This community service activity is directed towards these interests through the Forest Utilization Business Permit Commitment Approval Letter (PBPH) for Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM). The implementation method is divided into five main stages which are carried out systematically and sequentially, namely preparation, implementation, and reporting. The results of the activity have a positive impact on the people of Teluk Tamiang Village and fishermen in Kotabaru Regency in improving their standard of living and economic welfare. Based on the results of the evaluation that has been carried out, it is recommended to continue coaching and mentoring, as well as expanding the scope of the demonstration plot to other groups or villages that have the same potential. In addition, further studies are needed regarding the optimization of the use of the RAS method using a vertical crab house as a medium for soka crab cultivation.</em></p>Frans TonyIndira FitriliyaniYuliyantoBahruddin Yusuf
Copyright (c) 2024 Frans Tony, Indira Fitriliyani, Yuliyanto, Bahruddin Yusuf